
Project 16PF

In contrast to traditional researches that involve a manual, non-quantitative, and subjective way of performing handwriting analysis, in the current research, a special computer-aided method of revised handwriting analysis is used. It includes the detection of personality traits via manual quantitative registration of handwriting signs and their automated quantitative evaluation. This method is based on a mathematical–statistical model that integrates multiple international publications on the evaluation of handwriting signs. The first aim is the validation of the revised method against the 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire Revised (16PF-R), which is performed as a self-report personality test by test persons and was developed and researched empirically by Raymond B. Cattell et al. A second aim is the development of an integrated model for assessment including handwriting analysis: when both methods come to the same result on a certain scale, then the construct can be accepted with higher reliability; in contrast, when results are contradictory, they should be regarded as a limitation of each method and raise awareness in the researchers, as these contradictions are a precious source of additional information regarding the complexity, ambiguity, and context specificity of personality traits.

The experiment with 58 subjects that executed 16PF-R test and provides their handwriting samples (there are samples in different languages – English, German and Russian) demonstrated a good (significant) statistical agreement for 14 scales out of 16. No scales showed statistically significant disagreement.

The results were in particular reported at XVI European Congress of Psychology (Moscow, 2019) and published in a Scopus Journal MDPI Behavioral Sciencies.

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