Handwriting analysis has been practiced for centuries, with early practitioners recognizing that each person’s handwriting has unique characteristics that could help identify authorship and reveal personality traits.
In the modern era, handwriting analysis has branched into distinct fields: forensic handwriting examination, handwriting psychology, graphology in its historical role, graphonomics, graphotherapy, medical graphodiagnostics, graphomotor skill development in children, and more. While these fields share methodological approaches and analyse similar handwriting features, they differ in their goals. Some experts tend to work exclusively within their specific fields, dismissing contributions from related disciplines.
Our approach, however, embraces inclusivity. We respect each field and acknowledge its value as long as it operates within a rigorous, scientific framework. Ultimately, all these areas of handwriting study are united by a deep fascination with the unique, individualistic nature of handwriting, and their common techniques reflect a shared history rooted in understanding human individuality through writing.
The Institute was founded in 2016 with the major aim to promote and conduct research into different aspects and application fields of handwriting (both off-line and on-line writing modalities) and to establish profound connection to academic bodies <…..>
Handwriting is a product of brain activity and its control over fine motorics. It is individual and relatively stable. It differs from other fine motoric skills in that it is always related to a cognitive load. The research of handwriting covers all its aspects: neurological, motoric (dynamic), written text analysis (static), social, culturological <…..>
The aim of our educational activity with regard to academic bodies is to bring handwriting analysis to a higher scientific level. We hold lectures for academic and non-academic organisations; we give presentations in university seminars and support students with their bachelor and master theses <…..>
Competence Center for Computer Methods in Handwriting
The intention of the competence center is to establish a knowledge base for computer-aided systems supporting handwriting research. This knowledge center pursues the objectives of analysis of current development trends, evaluation and choice of proper software for specific research purposes, establishing a discussion to enable exchange and to provide a reference point, and coordination the development effort by specialists and students <…..>